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SSD benefits and Alzheimer’s disease: What you need to know

On Behalf of | Jun 9, 2023 | social security disability |

Being diagnosed with an untreatable condition like Alzheimer’s disease can be devastating. This degenerative neurological disorder progressively destroys an individual’s cognitive abilities. While Alzheimer’s disease is typically an old folk’s disease, it is not uncommon for some people to show signs of the disease well before turning 65.

If you exhibit Alzheimer’s symptoms before the age of 65 (like memory loss, misplacing items or asking the same question repetitively), your condition may be described as an early onset of Alzheimer’s. Consequently, you might want to know if you are eligible for disability benefits.

Disability benefits and Alzheimer’s disease

Basically, your condition must be deemed disabling enough to impact your ability to work in your current role or find an alternative job to qualify for disability benefits. Per the SSA’s Blue Book, Alzheimer’s disease is considered a debilitating condition that can impair your ability to work. To qualify for disability benefits, however, you will need to prove that:

  • You can no longer learn or remember
  • You are having communication problems (you cannot recall or speak coherently)
  • Your social behavior is significantly diminished
  • You’ve lost the ability to plan or make sound judgment
  • Your physical coordination is diminished

You will need evidence to prove that you cannot work because of Alzheimer’s disease. And this is where proper documentation comes in. First, you need to provide a comprehensive diagnosis of your condition. Next, you need to provide your daily activities report that proves how the disease’s progression is impacting your ability to work. And if you have a treatment plan, it is incredibly important that you follow through with it.

Safeguarding your interests

Alzheimer’s disease can impact various aspects of your life. Learning more about SSD guidelines can help you safeguard your rights and interests while pursuing disability benefits. Contact a lawyer who practices in this area to learn more.