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3 helpful social security disability facts everyone should know

On Behalf of | Jul 5, 2023 | social security disability |

Social Security disability benefits provide financial relief to aid disabled citizens who can no longer earn an income from working. Many of those living with a disability could not survive without SSD, yet so few understand how the program functions.

Unfortunately, this lack of understanding could mean your claim for benefits may end in denial. It is impossible to explain everything about SSD in a typical blog post, but we can offer you a few helpful facts.

Not all are eligible

To qualify for SSD benefits, you must be unable to work because you suffer a long-term disabling condition. Further, you must have been dealing with your disability (or expect to deal with it) for at least a year. Many with partial or temporary disabilities are ineligible.

Some can work with benefits

The Social Security Administration (SSA) offers several incentives for those who want to return to work without losing all their SSD benefits. For example, its Trial Work Program allows you to return to your job and still receive your full benefits for up to nine months.

Fraud is treated harshly

You have probably heard how hard it can be to get approval for your SSD claim. Do not be tempted to exaggerate your condition or falsify information because you believe it might improve your odds of success. Social Security disability fraud can be punished by up to five years in prison and a costly fine.

Legal support and guidance may significantly improve your chances of filing a successful SSD claim. Since the process is uniquely complicated, such support ensures you make no mistakes that could compromise your benefits.